Liposuction - Lipo For Fat Reduction & Body Contouring



Liposuction is specifically designed to improve body contours through the removal of excess fat cells. The presence of stubborn fat can be troublesome for patients. Even with dedicated dieting and exercise, fat deposits may still remain intact, especially around problem areas, such as the stomach or flanks. Liposuction can eliminate stubborn fat with precision to accentuate and sculpt your natural curves. Thanks to the latest lipo advancements, liposuction surgeons can achieve maximal fat removal, as well as a smooth result. Undergoing liposuction treatment can substantially improve your body contours for long-lasting enhancements to the neck, chin, arms, breasts, back, abdomen, pubic area, buttocks, and lower body.

Liposuction At A Glance
Can permanently remove stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to exercising or dieting
Can shape the body to accentuate your natural contours and curves
Smooths irregularities around the body, including lumps or bumps
Target areas include the neck / chin, breasts, arms, back, midsection, pubic area, buttocks, and legs
Can be used on multiple parts of the body for substantial body sculpting results
Advancements in lipo techniques result in less downtime and recovery

Your Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction can be performed either at an outpatient surgical facility or local hospital; this will be dependent on the details of your lipo treatment. During your liposuction procedure, a specialized cannula is used to break up excess fat for extraction. Micro-incisions are made around the target area in order to introduce the lipo cannula underneath the skin. Once the cannula is positioned, it begins separating fat cells from surrounding tissue to allow for extraction. Excess fat is then carefully suctioned out of the target area(s) for long-lasting improvements to body contours.

Overview Of Liposuction Techniques

There are many liposuction options to choose from, including power assisted liposuction, laser lipo, and ultrasound liposuction. Tumescent or super wet liposuction techniques are utilized when undergoing your lipo procedure. During tumescent liposuction, a local anesthetic solution is injected to firm the target area(s). During super wet liposuction, approximately half the amount of this local anesthetic solution is injected. Your lipo surgeon can help determine which liposuction treatment would best suit your individual goals.

Power Assisted Liposuction Laser Liposuction Ultrasonic Liposuction
Uses vibrating cannula Utilizes innovative laser technology Delivers ultrasound energy to the target area(s)
Cannula breaks apart stubborn fat cells for extraction Laser energy disrupts fat cells and separates them from surrounding tissue for extraction Ultrasound energy results in the separation of unwanted fat cells from nearby tissue, allowing for extraction
Can achieve substantial fat removal results Yields skin tightening benefits by stimulating collagen production and achieving tissue contraction Less bruising and swelling than traditional liposuction methods

Liposuction is often used to complement body sculpting techniques and further shape the body during surgery. For example, abdominal liposuction can complement a tummy tuck, while buttocks lipo may be used with a Brazilian butt lift. Combining lipo with surgical procedures can achieve substantial body contouring results by addressing stubborn fat and lax skin in one treatment.

Liposuction Target Areas

Neck & Chin Eliminates submental fat under the chin to bring out the jawline
Breasts Contours the breasts by removing small amounts of breast fat
Arms Reduces the appearance of excess fat deposits around the upper arms
Back Removes fat pockets from the upper, mid, or lower back
Abdomen & Flanks Eliminates stubborn belly fat covering the midsection, obliques, or flanks
Pubic Area Slims and shapes the pubic area by removing unwanted fat pockets
Buttocks Contours the buttocks by reducing excess fat and smoothing irregularities
Thighs & Legs Removes fat from the thighs, legs, knees, calves, or ankles

What To Expect After Undergoing Your Liposuction Procedure

Mild swelling or bruising is expected in the weeks following your liposuction procedure. You can expect to return to work within 1 week of treatment and many patients resume their daily activities within 2-3 weeks. However, the specifics of your liposuction recovery will depend on your individual procedure and can be discussed during your consultation.

Undergoing liposuction can achieve long-lasting body sculpting results. Liposuction incisions are strategically hidden to remain virtually invisible after treatment. Liposuction results are usually seen in the months following treatment.

Get Started With Liposuction

Click here to find a member of the Persian American Society of Plastic Surgeons near you and get started with your liposuction consultation.

Persian American Society Of Plastic Surgeons





This website is meant to be informational in nature and should never be considered as a substitute for the opinion of a medical professional. The Persian American Society of Plastic Surgeons provides these services to help patients find a qualified plastic surgeon to help meet their particular goals. PASPS cannot guarantee patient satisfaction when undergoing treatment with one of our affiliated surgeons you decide to select.