Dermaplaning - Dermabrasion For Radiant Skin Texture

Dermaplaning / Dermabrasion

Dermaplaning / Dermabrasion

Dermaplaning, often referred to as dermabrasion, can rejuvenate the appearance of your skin by targeting wrinkles, age spots, acne scarring, sun damage, and uneven pigmentation. Dermabrasion works by removing the damaged outer layers of skin to make way for fresh, healthy skin cells to grow. By evenly disposing of the initial skin layers, dermaplaning can achieve symmetrical improvements for a smoother, glowing complexion. Dermabrasion is a minimally invasive skin care procedure that does not require incisions or stitches to complete. Dermaplaning patients can improve skin texture and tone with minimal downtime. Unlike microdermabrasion, which is designed to treat surface-level fine lines, age spots, and acne scars, dermabrasion reaches deeper to reduce more pronounced skin irregularities found on the face or body.

Dermabrasion At A Glance
Achieves a healthier-looking, radiant complexion
Can reduce acne scars, wrinkling, age spots, pigmentation issues, or sun damage
Removes the outer layers of skin to encourage the growth of fresh skin cells
Reaches deeper than microdermabrasion for more substantial results
Minimally invasive procedure that requires little recovery time
Usually performed on the face, but can also treat multiple areas of the body

Your Dermaplaning Procedure

Your plastic surgeon can perform dermaplaning in-office or at an outpatient surgical facility. When undergoing dermabrasion, an anesthetic may be utilized to minimize discomfort. Either a tiny surgical blade or specialized instrument (known as a dermabrader) is used to remove damaged skin cells from the initial layers of skin. The dermabrader or blade can be applied evenly around the treatment area for symmetrical results.

Dermabrasion may be used in conjunction with other skin care techniques for optimal results, such as a chemical peel or laser acne treatment.

Overview Of Different Chemical Peel Techniques

Dermabrasion Microdermabrasion
Treats deeper, more pronounced acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage, and blemishes Used to improve surface-level fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and acne inflammation
Small surgical blade or dermabrader is used to remove damaged skin layers Microcrystals or microdiamonds are applied to exfoliate the initial skin layer by removing dead skin cells
Patients experience minimal downtime and moderate redness Patients experience virtually no healing time and slight redness
Multiple dermaplaning treatments may be needed for optimal results Multiple microdermabrasion sessions are usually required for best results

What To Expect After Undergoing Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion patients usually experience moderate redness and sensitivity following treatment. Dressings are applied to the treatment area in subsequent days to encourage healing. Most dermaplaning patients return to work within a few days. Your plastic surgeon can discuss specific timelines and post-care guidelines during your in-office consultation.

Dermaplaning can improve skin tone and enhance your complexion by targeting acne scars, wrinkling, age spots, sun damage, and more. Multiple dermabrasion treatments may be recommended for optimal results.

Get Started With Dermaplaning

Click here to find a member of the Persian American Society of Plastic Surgeons near you and get started with your dermaplaning / dermabrasion consultation.

Dermaplaning / Dermabrasion
Persian American Society Of Plastic Surgeons





This website is meant to be informational in nature and should never be considered as a substitute for the opinion of a medical professional. The Persian American Society of Plastic Surgeons provides these services to help patients find a qualified plastic surgeon to help meet their particular goals. PASPS cannot guarantee patient satisfaction when undergoing treatment with one of our affiliated surgeons you decide to select.